Thursday, February 24, 2011


I just read about this opportunity in the City Paper. I contacted them yesterday, and he returned my phone call last night. Though we're playing a bit of phone tag, I'm looking forward to this opportunity.
Vendors wanted! Announcing the opening new open-air markets in heart of D.C. Liberty North Community Market right by the new Safeway and Bus-boys and Poets by New York and Mass Ave. opening soon. Looking for the following: arts/crafts, photography-ceramics and classes fashion, jewelery, food, collectibles, furniture/antiques, bakery, coffee/tea, produce, lighting/home decor, perfumes/cologne, other interesting products/services e-mail contact information at or call 571-432-9998 all vendors accepted will have option of applying for Liberty Market S.W. at the water front harbor due to open in spring.
Okay I spoke to ChefKen earlier and it seems promising. The website for this is

Reserved spaces are as low as $45 per booth
This is a weekly 2 day Sat/Sun market

Website Update

Well I just finished updating the website with some new features. I have implemented a new gallery display to better view and browse my artwork. And I have begun to offer several pieces for purchasing as either canvas prints (like the one above) or you can also purchase a print in a nice frame (as below). I like this new addition, as this way customers will not be inconvenienced by leaving the website to make a purchase. If you see a piece that does not have this feature yet and would like to purchase it in one of these two formats, please drop me a line and let me know. It's a lengthy process trying to upload my entire portfolio to the new formats, and so far I have most of the popular pieces set up.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Crafts on the Hill

I read about this in The City Paper. Looks like a good opportunity for me.
A unique shopping experience in Historical Capital Hill featuring, artists, designers, and handmade crafts from across the country.

Where: North Hall Eastern Market, Washington, DC

when: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. April 2, 2011

Crafts on the Hill is a juried craft show. We are looking for the unique handmade craftspersons and artisans. For only $75, we will provide a 6' by 5' in the North Hall in the the historic Eastern Market at the Capitol Hill in DC.

The event will be held on April 2, 2011 from 10a.m. - 4 p.m..

The application is open from now until February 28, 2010. A non-refundable fee of $10 will be charged upon the application. We will notify vendors if they have been accepted by March 4, 2010. Your $75 space fee will be due on week later, by March 11, 2011.

For more information please contact

Call for Art: Arts for Arthritis Gala

I think this is a good cause. Plus it will add to my resume and get more attention for my artwork. I'm thinking of submitting two pieces.
The Arthritis Foundation, Mid Atlantic Region (MD) is issuing a call for donations for its Arts for Arthritis Gala, March 19, 2011.

Art can be put up for auction as a full donation, or 50/50 split. Artists set the value of their piece and the minimum bid.

Art work can be dropped off anytime after the 7th of March: 4720 Montgomery Lane, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20814.

See attached for further information.
I found an old site that has some samples of previous submissions, here and here.

Pyramid Atlantic Member

As part of my submission to the Pyramid Atalntic Juried Exhibition, I had to become a member. I'll find out in the next few weeks, March 8th to be exact, as to whether I was accepted or not.

So far, I'm now a member of:
Pyramid Atlantic
Washington Project for the Arts
...more to come!

Ballston Arts & Craft Market Reject

Yet another rejection, this time for an Art Fair. Like Basquiat, say "fuck the bourgeoisie".

from Jessica Blaszczak
date Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 9:48 PM

subject 2011 Ballston A&C Market Notification

Dear Ballston Arts & Crafts Applicant,

Thank you for submitting your work to the Ballston Arts & Crafts Market for consideration. Sadly, we cannot take you this time. Our jury judged over 150 applicants this season and was limited to accepting only a certain amount of vendors per show. This was by far the most applicants we have received and the jury process was very difficult.

We have placed you on a waiting list for the dates you chose. If a space opens up in your category, we may notify you to see if you are interested in adding that date.

Thank you again for applying. We wish you luck in your craft and hope to see you in the future!


Jessica Blaszczak
Markets Coordinator
Ballston Partnership
Office: 703.528.3527 | Fax: 703.528.0311 | Mobile: 202.536.9714
Mailing Address
2807 N. Glebe Road | Suite 515 | Arlington, VA 22207

Monday, February 21, 2011

Spark 11 Submission - Pandora


This is the latest submission for Spark 11. To me, things seemed a bit chaotic and random in the piece, and so I think I captured that pretty well with this image. Read the poem that inspired this below.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spark 11 Submission - Sisyphean Tableaux

Sisyphean Tableaux

This piece was created for Spark 11, and is inspired by the poem below.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Call for Art: "Mama Earth"

OVERVIEW: Mama Earth is a visual celebration of the beauty of the planet Earth through a variety of artistic mediums. It will serve as the backdrop to the Center for Green Urbanism’s first annual Earth Day Celebration in April 2011 and related activities.

This exhibition will feature work that expresses the artist’s unique interpretation of the natural beauty of the Earth. Artists residing in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia are eligible to apply.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Art Blizzard Showing

This past weekend, I attended the reception for the Art Blizzard at SUNY. I was impressed with some of the participants, and I am glad I was able to be a part of it. The show will continue until March 12th, and will have an online gallery up soon where you can view all of the artwork in the show.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Divine Vision

Divine Vision

As part of my submission for the Earth Day Exhibit. I created this newest piece. I've hidden several animals in the piece. See if you can locate them.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On Display at Reagan National!!

As part of Artomatic Takes Flight, my artwork for "vertigoBlue" will be on display from March 3rd to June 25th in Terminal A of the airport!

The exhibit features 70 artworks, one per artist, both two-dimensional and three-dimensional. It taps into the more than 1500 artists in the Washington-area creative community who participate in Artomatic events. In the spirit of Artomatic, artwork was accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Stroll through the exhibit any time or attend the opening reception Thursday, March 10 from 6 to 8 pm, and mingle with the artists.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Spark 11

I was just recently invited to participate in Spark 11. You may recall, I made a note about the site back in December.
The project’s rules are simple:

1. At the beginning of each round, participants get paired with someone who works in a different art form.

2. Partners trade work, sending each other a file from their portfolio.

3. During the 10-day project period, all SPARK participants create new work, using their partner’s piece as inspiration.
This should be inspiring!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Artomatic Takes Flight

Artomatic is proud to announce open registration for Artomatic Takes Flight
- a special exhibit of Artomatic artists at Reagan National Airport. Artomatic Takes Flight is an unjuried art exhibition for Artomatic artists that will be on display from March 3 to June 25, 2011, at Reagan National Airport in the hallway connecting to Terminal A. In the spirit of Artomatic, artwork will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis, until the exhibition space is filled (70 artworks, one per artist).

Join us for the opening reception on Thursday, March 10th 6pm-8pm.

Artomatic Takes Flight
March 3rd - June 25th, 2011
Registration Deadline: February 15th (or until full)
Opening Reception: March 10th, 6-8pm @ DCA

Register to exhibit at:
Arlington, VA 22207

I plan to submit "vertigoBlue" to this. But unfortunately they don't have a link to their PayPal account to process the registration fee. I just sent them an email, so hopefully I hear back from them before the exhibit fills up.

Friday, February 4, 2011

WPA's 2011 Artist Directory

2009 Directory
Sample interior page

I will be featured in the upcoming Washington Project for the Arts' 2011 Artist Directory.
Published bi-annually, this four-color, 8.5 x 5.5 inch directory is the definitive listing of established and emerging contemporary artists throughout the Washington region. It is seen by more than 2,000 galleries, curators, and interested art patrons. Copies will be distributed to selected art critics and other members of the press, and to museums both in the region and outside the area.
With this, I am now a member of Washington Project for the Arts. You can read more on their website.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pyramid Call for Artists

Pyramid Atlantic Art Center Member Exhibition
8230 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD

Be a part of Pyramid Atlantic's Annual Member's Juried Exhibition. Apply online or by mail today!


Images - Minimum: 1 , Maximum: 5

Fee: $40.00 for 1 year membership to Pyramid Atlantic

Pyramid Atlantic Art Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit contemporary arts center dedicated to the creation and appreciation of hand papermaking, printmaking, and the art of the book.

A maximum of five original works may be entered at no cost to current members. To become a member of Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, go to our membership page on our website:, or pay here when you check out.

Three awards, sponsored by Plaza Artists Materials, will be presented at the April 9th reception.

Alec Simpson is a visual artist and Director of the Brentwood Arts Exchange – a facility in Prince George’s County, Maryland which has a rotating exhibition gallery, craft store and multi-purpose space used to present art classes of varying kinds.
Mr. Simpson previously served as Deputy Director of the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. He has been a consultant to the National Endowment for the Arts and the Connecticut Commission on the Arts, as well as a panelist for a number of state and local arts agencies.

Notification will be sent by email with delivery instructions included for exhibiting artists

Delivery of Work
Hand delivered work will be accepted at Pyramid Atlantic between March 28th-30th. Shipped work must arrive between March 21st-25th in reusable container.

Hand Delivered work must be picked up between April 25th-29th. Pyramid Atlantic accepts no responsibility for work not retrieved during pick-up dates, and after 30 days, the work will become property of Pyramid Atlantic Art Center.

Great care will be taken with all work, but artists are responsible for insuring their own work. Pyramid Atlantic is not responsible for any loss or damage to work while on the premises or in transit.

March 1 Postmark deadline for entries
March 8 Notification
March 25 All shipped works must be received
March 30 All hand delivered works must be received
April 9 Reception 3 to 4, awards presentation 3:30 pm
April 22 Show closes
April 25-29 Pick up hand delivered works
April 27 Shipped work will be returned in original