Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Sixth Annual East of the River Juried Exhibition
Honfleur Gallery and The Gallery at Vivid Solutions presents the Sixth Annual East of the River juried exhibition, highlighting the creative minds of Wards 7 and 8. Since 2007, this exhibit has always been well received and one of the best attended exhibits.
Who is eligible:
Artists who live, work, or have roots in the areas East of the Anacostia River may submit up to 10 images for review by the panel of judges. Emerging, mid-career and established artists all are encouraged to apply. Visual artists working in any media may apply.
Important Dates:
Deadline to apply: May 11, 2012 by 5 pm
Artist will be notified by: May 18, 2012
Art drop off (ready to hang): July 2, 2012 by 10 am
Exhibit opens: July 13, 2012 Exhibit closed: September 7, 2012
How to apply:
Please mail* the following application and a CD of images to:
Honfleur Gallery/The Gallery at Vivid Solutions / EotR Exhibit 2012
Beth Ferraro
1227 Good Hope Rd. SE Washington D.C. 20020
*or drop off in person at 1241 Good Hope Road SE during normal business hours
$10 application fee with check or money order
One page art resume or CV
Artist statement
Application page with image info (found at the end of this packet) CD or flash drive with up to 10 JPEGs (300 dpi) of work available for this exhibition (please note: no applications will be returned)
Please drop off in person:
1241 Good Hope Road SE during normal business hours
or mail to:
Honfleur Gallery/The Gallery at Vivid Solutions/EotR Exhibit 2012
Beth Ferraro
1227 Good Hope Rd. SE
Washington D.C. 20020
*Please note: email submissions will not be accepted.
*Please note: applications will not be returned.
Prospectus can be viewed here
The Billboard Art Project - Richmond, VA - Kickoff
I will have several new pieces on display on the billboards in Richmond! "vertical horizon," "Galadali, "contemplation," and "Deadcandance". You can view my artwork at the times listed below in (parenthesis)
Richmond, VA - April 2-29, 2012
This year’s lineup of the 2012 Billboard Art Project in Richmond includes a Sight & Sound show, featuring an audio component which viewers can tune in to on a local radio station. The month-long show also features work by artists from all over the United States, as well as around the world, including over 20 local Virginia artists. In addition, you will be seeing artwork by students in grades kindergarten through 12th grade.
Questions about the project? Read the FAQ.
Get Map & Directions
Download Schedules
Whose art is on when? Want to see it again? Each week and weekend has a different schedule with approximate showtimes. Click on each one to download the .pdf or download all at once. (19mb Zip file)
Week 1 Apr 2-6 (2:52am | 8:52am | 2:52 pm | 8:52 pm)
Weekend 1 Apr 7 & 8 (4:45am | 12:45pm | 8:45 pm)
Week 2 Apr 9-13 (2:58am | 8:58am | 2:58 pm | 8:58 pm)
Weekend 2 Apr 14 & 15 ( 4:51am | 12:51pm | 8:51 pm )
Week 3 Apr 16-20 (2:42am | 8:42am | 2:42 pm | 8:42 pm)
Weekend 3 Apr 21 & 22 ( 4:40am | 12:40pm | 8:40 pm )
Apr 23-27: a break from our regularly scheduled art
Weekend 4 Apr 28 & 29 ( 4:40am | 12:40pm | 8:40 pm )
Kickoff Party Friday, April 5th @ 10pm
The Highpoint Gallery
3119 West Moore Street, Richmond, VA 23230
Facebook Event Page
Amped: Art Turned On by Music
I will have several of my pieces in this show! All the artwork in the show is based on music. So it will definitely be a senses shattering experience!
Come to this HIGH VOLUME show at The Electric Maid! Energetic art, live music and a celebration of both in Takoma Park’s “community living room”.
The Opening Party is Saturday March 31st! The Electric Maid is located across from the Takoma Park Metro and there is ample street parking.
Reception: Saturday, March 31, 2012 @7pm
Location: The Electric Maid, 268 Carroll St NW, Washington, DC 20012
Visit the Official Facebook Event Page HERE
CALL FOR ENTRIES: Elements and Elementals
CALL FOR ENTRIES: Elements and Elementals
ELEMENTS AND ELEMENTALS: We are looking for visual artworks that explore the magic, ritual, and lore of the elemental energies and beings from various Pagan traditions and Earth-based spiritualities.
EXHIBITION DATES: June 2 - September 8, 2012
LOCATION: The Open Hearth Foundation Center, SE Washington, DC. The Open Hearth Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create and maintain a community center in Washington, DC, that serves Pagans of all paths.
Submissions are by JPEG digital image only. No entry fee is required. Each artist may submit up to four pieces for consideration. Entries should be emailed by Saturday, April 28, 2012.
For full prospectus, e-mail
Include all the following information in the body of entry email:
• Artist name (for exhibition)
• Artist legal name
• Phone
• Street Address including City, State, and Zip
• How you heard about this exhibit
• If you want to be added to our exhibition opportunities email list
• For each submitted work include: Title, Media, Size (with frame), Year Completed, Price, 1 to 3 sentences describing how your piece fits the theme (optional and may be edited for length)
• Artist Agreement: I agree to all the provisions of entry to this exhibition included in the prospectus. I release The Open Hearth Foundation, its officers, and volunteers from any and all liability in case of loss or damage to my artwork. If my artwork is listed for sale, The Open Hearth Foundation will take a 20% commission.
Call for Entries - The XL-XS Show
The XL-XS Show – MD
Deadline: April 18, 2012.
The Maryland Federation of Art invites all artists residing in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada to enter its national juried competition for artists working in extra large and extra small formats. Any two-dimensional submissions following exhibition guidelines will be considered by the juror.
Large Works may not be smaller than 4 feet (48") in any direction and may not exceed 8 feet (96") in any direction.
Small Works cannot exceed 12" in any direction.
If works are framed, these measurements must include outside edges of the frame. No exceptions.
The selected artworks will be on exhibit June 24 – August 5, 2012 at The Art Gallery, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, by invitation to MFA. $1,000 in Cash Awards.
Juror: Barry Nemett, Chair of Painting Dept., Maryland Institute College of Art.
One-two entries $35 (MFA members $20); additional four entries $5.00 each.
Download prospectus (PDF format) at: Questions? Please contact Kyle Freeman at or call 410-268-4566.
Nelson Gallery’s 13th Annual Juried Show - CFA
Call to artists for Nelson Gallery’s 13th Annual Juried Show – VA
Deadline: June 12, 2012.
Call to artists for 13th Annual Juried Show at NELSON GALLERY (an artists’ cooperative in Lexington, Virginia.) Eligibility: mid-Atlantic residents (NC, SC, VA, PA, MD, DE, DC).
Prizes include: $1,000 best in show and Members’ Choice Award of solo show at Nelson Gallery in July, 2013, plus additional cash awards.
Theme: “Feast on This” interpreted as artist wishes.
Two or three dimensional art up to 50 inches, length or width. No crafts.
Juror: Matt Klos, MFA, U of MD, chair of Art Dept at Anne Arundel Community College, winner of many awards, oils in New American Paintings.
Entry fee: $30 for 3 jpgs. All works must be for sale.
For more information and to download prospectus, contact or call Nelson Gallery at 540.463.9827.
Slideluck Potshow DC

I attended the show in Baltimore and think this is a great idea!
Call for Submissions: Slideluck Potshow DC VII
The Hill Center (921 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003)
April 21, 2012 from 7pm to 10pm
921 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20003
921 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20003
Slideluck Potshow DC VII - Please join us on Saturday, April 21st, at The Hill Center (921 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003), for a spectacular evening of food, photography, community and fun. We are calling all amateur and professional photographers from the DC area and beyond to present work in a relaxed and spirited atmosphere.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Encouraging words...
Ira Glass gives great advice to struggling creatives who are critical of their work: do it anyway, and lots of it. Your taste is bound to be more advanced than your talent, and the only way to close the gap is to “fight your way through it.”
Ira Glass gives great advice to struggling creatives who are critical of their work: do it anyway, and lots of it. Your taste is bound to be more advanced than your talent, and the only way to close the gap is to “fight your way through it.”
Monday, March 26, 2012
Musicians Wanted!
If you are a DMV musician or band, I want to create your album art!
Rock, Gospel, Country, R&B/Hip Hop.
Go to to see samples of my work.
Whether you are a singer/songwriter or a full fledged band, I want to work with you. Send me a link to your song. If it moves me I will create a work of art for you!
Once I finish at least 12 pieces, I will showcase my art and your music with a commemorative cd and a showing of the art at a local DMV gallery.
Terms and Conditions
By clicking the email submission, you agree to allow Russ McIntosh (the artist) the right to produce an original artwork based on your song. You will retain the rights to your song, only allowing the artist one time reproduction of the song to be included on the commemorative CD and for any marketing and promotion of the artwork. The artist, Russ McIntosh, will allow you to use his original artwork based on your song for promotion and album reproduction.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
RAW Artists is working with the Sweetlife Festival!
Location: Merriweather Post Pavilion - Columbia, MD
Date: April 28, 2012
Time: 12pm - 11pm/12am
Sweetlife Food and Music Festival ( is now accepting submissions from RAW Artists to exhibit their artwork in the 2012 V.I.P. Lounge.
*NOTE: The Sweetllife and your artwork should have a commonality or impose the meaning of: "WHAT DOES THE SWEETLIFE MEAN TO YOU?" RAW & Sweetlife have a common interest in helping the local community and our artists and your work should reflect something within that common thread.
LOCATION DATE/TIME INFO.: The Sweetlife Festival will take place at Merriweather Post Pavilion (Columbia, MD) on Saturday April 28. Selected artists will come to the festival to install their artwork and enjoy the benefits of V.I.P. access and the opportunity to sell their work!
TO BE CONSIDERED: Create a RAW Profile at website. Submit up to 5 images of your work to (select City: WDC) with exact dimensions in inches per/piece submitted.
*NOTE: EXISTING RAW ARTISTS should send an email to the City Director directly with the submission guidelines above (No need to upload and create a new profile)
Due to festival space requirements, artwork will be hanging from temporary structures, therefore, all submissions must be 2-dimensional and cannot exceed 5 lbs. per piece.
Monday, March 19, 2012
McLean Project for the Arts CFA
a c t i v a t i n g t h e v o i d
Exhibition dates: 6/14-7/28
Submission deadline: 4/3/12
This exhibition will bring together artists whose work deals with space, inclusion or absence. Many artists pay close attention to the “negative space” in their work, and often what is not included or that which is in-between is just as important as what is. For this exhibition, we are looking for works that explore this territory, either in a conceptual or formal way.
ELIGIBILITY All Mid-Atlantic artists (DC,VA, MD, PA, NJ, DE, WV) are invited to submit up to four digital images (jpegs) of 2 or 3-dimensional, installation or video works completed within the last two years and not previously exhibited at MPA. Works that move beyond traditional forms and media are encouraged. Works must fit through a 81" x 65" doorway.
AWARDS Cash prizes totaling $1,500 will be awarded by the juror. Decisions are final.
ENTRY FEE $25. Fee waived for current MPA members. Fee includes one-year artist membership in MPA. Make checks payable to McLean Project for the Arts.
IMAGES Artists may submit up to four digital images on a CD or up to 10 minutes of recorded material. Please do not email submissions.
- Artists may submit up to four images. Images must be sent on a disc in 300 dpi resolution jpeg format. Please do not email images. Each image should be labeled with the artist’s last name, first name and image number (example, smith.jane1.jpeg). Cover and disc must both be labeled with artist’s name, title of piece, length and year created.
- A hard copy of a list of images. Include artist name,title of piece, sales price, medium, size and year done.
- Artist statement
- Current resume
- Self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like your submission returned. Only submissions with SASE included will be returned.
- Completed entry form
- Entry fee of $25. Make checks payable to McLean Project for the Arts
For further information email Nancy Sausser:
McLean Project for the Arts,
1234 Ingleside Avenue,
McLean,VA 22101
Phone: 703.790.1953
TDD 703.827.8255
Field Projects New York Open Call for Submissions
Show #4 curated by David Terry
Deadline: April 6, 2012 11:59pm
Application fee: $25
Field Projects
526 W 26 St, #807
Chelsea, New York, 10001
Exhibition Opens: April 26, 2012
Artists working in all mediums are welcome to apply.
Field Projects is pleased to announce our first open call exhibition; emerging and mid-career artists are invited to submit their work for consideration in our April exhibition, Show #4. Submissions will be viewed and selected for Show #4 by David Terry, Senior Program Officer and Curator at the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA).
Field Projects is an NYC-based project space committed to opening the field and exhibition opportunities to working artists. All of the submissions we receive will be considered not only for Show #4 but also for our upcoming exhibition calendar. As a growing space, this is a fantastic time to submit your work.
For more information and to submit your artwork please visit the website and follow the guidelines on the submission page:
MOCA DC Celebrates 20 years Anniversary - Free Entry
Deadline Wednesday, April 4
April marks the 20th anniversary of continuous operation for the gallery. Founded by Michael V. Clark, now Clark Fox, he first called it Clark & Company, changing the name to the Museum of Contemporary Art in 1995 when he incorporated it as a nonprofit 501 (C) (3) corporation. I took over January 1, 2005, continuing the mission to be Open to All Artists, All the Time. In the 20 years of operation, the gallery has given literally hundreds of artists their first chance to exhibit their art in a mainstream gallery.
To commemorate this event, there will be no charge to enter works – even for non-members. Just bring your work in to MOCA DC – 1054 31st St NW, Washington, DC 20007 – questions? Call Dave as below.
David R. Quammen
202.361.3810 cell
202.342.6230 gallery
Most of Us Die - Nectar Magazine CFA
Current Theme: Most of Us Die
Deadline: June 1, 2012
Medium: ANYTHING. Writing, photos, illustration, design, photos of sculptures or performance, paintings, etc. If it fits the theme, we want to see it.
Images: We would like up to 10 .jpg files with a minimum of 1000 pixels on the long side, 72 dpi. If your image is chosen, we will ask for a higher resolution image for publication.
Writing: If you have writing, send up to 4 pieces or up to 30 pages total in .doc/.docx/.rtf/.pdf format. Published, unpublished, and simultaneous submissions are fine. Please do not copy your submission into the body of the email unless you cannot attach it as a separate document.
Info: Your name as you would like it to be published, Title, Year, and Medium for each piece. Please include a short explanation of the work, unless you feel that it explains itself. Name of gallery that the piece is represented by, if applicable.
Email entries to Feel free to ask questions too. By submitting to this email, you agree to our terms and conditions, link provided below.
Our Terms and Conditions
We will notify winners 2-3 weeks after the deadline if your work has been accepted.
Note: Please do not send a link to your website as a submission, your work will not be considered. Submissions may be rejected if the image is of extremely low quality and cannot easily be viewed by our judges.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Twist of Cain
I recently was given a great request for a commissioned piece. Always up to a good artistic challenge, I was asked to interpret the Danzig song "Twist of Cain" into my own unique visual style. Utilizing the images imbued through the song, I have put an abundance of hidden images throughout this piece. For instance how many skulls can you find hidden? How many angels? ...keep looking!!
To give you something to listen to while gazing at this image, here is a video of the song that inspired it.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Adventure Residency at Flashpoint
March 23 - April 27
Opening Reception: Friday, March 23
6 - 8pm
Last year I participated in the very exciting Adventure Residency Program and from that outing I created "Natural Beauty". Now it will be on display at the Flashpoint Gallery with several other artists and their interpretations of their Adventure Residency.
Over the past two years, Brannock's ADVENTURE Residency Program has been taking small groups of artists and creative-types on short trips to locations ranging from Baltimore Harbor to the Moon. Participants, who have no foreknowledge of their destination or their fellow travelers, explore trust, chance, group dynamics and social interaction as much as they explore any particular location.
Flashpoint Gallery
916 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
For more information: Call 202.315.1310 or visit
FALLS CHURCH "ISMs" Juried Art Show
Thursday, MArch 15
"Hands of Time" was selected to be in the Juried ISMs show at Falls Cheurch Arts.
Show Dates:
March 3 - 25, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 7:00 - 10:00 pm
ArtSpace Falls Church
410 S. Maple Ave.
Falls Church, VA
(Communication Arts Technologies)
March 5 - April 6
Features the fine art work of regionally, nationally and internationally known artists who incorporate some form of digital method in the creation of their art. Works in this exhibition includes drawings, paintings, photographs, prints, video and mixed media.
The participating artists are Professor Anne Benolken, Richard Dana, Clay Harris, David Kastner, Agniezka Ligend, Russ McIntosh, John McMahon, Professor Harry St. Ours, and I am honored to have been invited to exhibit in this show as well.
I will have "contemplation" as well as "Unthought Known" and "Knock On The Sky" on display.
The Gallery is located in room 106 Technical Center (TC) on the Rockville campus, Montgomery College and is open Monday through Wednesday 10 AM until 6 PM, Thursdays 10 Am until 8 PM, Fridays 10 AM until 1 PM, and Saturdays by appointment.
Wednesday, March 21
6 - 8pm
(Communication Arts Technologies)
at Montgomery College Rockville Campus
For more information call 240-567-7535, 240-567-7520 or e-mail
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Digital Works - National Juried Competition 2012
Deadline: April 7
The Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences (LBIF): Digital Works.
The purpose of the exhibition is to showcase works that are created through digital processes, display distinctive characteristics of the digital, and reflect on the language and aesthetics of digital media (such as new forms of image creation and manipulation, connectivity, or participatory and generative qualities).
Submissions may include all forms of digital media (photography/prints, video, software art, online and mobile projects, etc.) and must have been executed since 2008.
Questions: Contact Alison Craft, Gallery Manager, at or 609.494.1241 x107.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Proximity By Relation
Proximity By Relation
Can you see the hidden Brand in my newest piece? It's a favorite of many hipsters! This is for an upcoming show featuring the "Brand" as well as a National Competition. You should be able to find the Call For Art in one of my older posts. ;)
Participate in Cuisine des Artistes
DCAC is looking for artists to participate in Cuisine des Artistes! It's almost time for DCAC’s biennial explosion of culinary and artistic talent. Don’t miss your opportunity to participate in this unique fundraising event featuring performing artists, design by visual artists, and food created by culinary masters.
For more information of how you can be one of the artists, email or call 202-462-7833.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Huffington Post Video
Huffington Post is featuring my video for the video series "The Moment I Knew..." You can view the entire series here:
Capitol Hill ART League (CHAL) - CFA
Deadline: April 19, 2012
The Capitol Hill ART League presents its Third Annual Metro DC open juried exhibition: It’s a Wonderful World?
All artists, 18 years of age or older residing in the Washington, DC metropolitan area are eligible to enter.
Deadline for submissions is Thursday April 19, 2012.
The Capitol Hill ART League (CHAL) is a program of the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop. Located in the historic Capitol Hill neighborhood in Washington, DC, CHAL is composed of approximately 100 artists. Each season CHAL mounts a series of seven juried exhibitions and conducts gallery talks at the openings; CHAL hosts lectures on a variety of art related topics, offers workshops, and strives to develop a supportive artistic community. The greater Washington community is encouraged to participate in all of these events.
JUROR: F. Lennox Campello
ENTRY: Selections for the show will be made by the judge from JPEG images submitted by the artists. All work must be original and signed by the artist. Any work previously shown at a Capitol Hill ART League juried show is ineligible. All work must have been created within the last three years.
ENTRY FEES: Up to 3 entries may be submitted for a non-refundable fee of $15 for current Capitol Hill Art League members or $30 for the community at large (non members). Up to two additional entries may be submitted at $5 each. Artists submitting 3-dimensional work may provide two images of each piece.
AWARDS: Awards will be decided by the judge and will include cash awards for ‘Best in Show’, and ‘Merit’ awards. Two Honorable mentions will be awarded. All awards will be presented at the opening reception with the judge’s talk on Saturday, May 12, 2011 from 5:00-7:00 PM.
SALES: A 30% commission will be deducted from CHAL members’ exhibition sales and 35% commission on all non-member exhibition sales. All work must be for sale and the price submitted on the registration form will be the price presented at the time of the show for accepted work.
Exhibition Calendar:
April 19, 2012 - deadline for entries
April 30, 2012 - Notification sent to accepted Artists
May 4-9, 2012 - Art delivery dates
May 12, 2012 - Artists’ Reception and Awards, Presentation (5:00 - 7:00 pm)
June 1, 2012 - Exhibition closes
June 2-6, 2012 - Pick up artwork
Contact info: Prospectus at:
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Del Ray CFA's
Childhood Memories (April 6-29, 2012)
Receiving: Sunday, April 1 & Monday, April 2, 6:30–8:30pm. Memories are often the inspiration for art. This juried show is all about the artists' childhood. Our memories are endless: a tree, an experience, a trip, a gathering, an animal, a poem, a person, a place, or anything that brings you back to a childhood memory. Think outside your comfort zone to create innovative themed art. 3-D art also is encouraged. Curators: David Kosar ( and Drew Cariaso ( Download the Call for Entry at:
Art on the Edge (June 1-24, 2012)
Receiving: Sunday, May 26 & Monday, May 27, 6:30-8:30pm. Where and what are the "edges" in your life experiences that inform your artwork? What kinds of edges draw you? How close do you dare get to a new artistic edge? How do you interpret "the edge"? Extend limits, break boundaries. Explore peripheries of the unfamiliar. Venture to the verge of a new reality. Try new media, genres, themes, subjects, or techniques. Take a risk and trek back to DRA with a new art treasure! Please direct questions to Curator Betty Plummer ( or (703) 892-8638.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Huffington Post wants your video
This just in from the Huffington Post:
The Moment I Knew I Wanted To Become An Artist (SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO)
At HuffPost, we're kicking off an exciting new project and we'd love you to participate! It's called "The Moment I Knew," and is a user-submitted video series where readers tell the stories of life-changing moments they have experienced. Each section of HuffPost has chosen a different theme -- whether it was the moment you knew you wanted to marry your spouse, the moment you knew your marriage was over, the moment you knew you loved college, or the moment you knew you were broke. You can also tell us about any other life-defining moment you'd like to share. The possibilities are endless!
Here on HuffPost Arts we've suggested that you tell us about "The Moment I Knew I Wanted To Become An Artist". You don't have to be a professional artist to contribute, however. We're looking for anyone who has ever done something creative and put it out in the world for other people to see and enjoy. You could be a Photoshop artist, a photographer, a dancer, a librettist, a secret doodler, a shower singer, or anyone else who feels they have an artistic side.
It's really easy to contribute! You can create your video using YouTube or Vimeo and send the link/URL of the video to If you create your video using your laptop or mobile phone and have a video file, please attach the file in an email to Please make sure to include your full name with your video submission. Each video should be 30-60 seconds long, and should feature only you, speaking right into the camera telling your story. Please start your story with the words "The moment I knew I wanted to become an artist..." and go from there. You can see examples here.
We can't wait to hear from you! And if you have any questions, please email
Our first submission is by Kalup Linzy, our amazing blogger and incredible performance artist who tells us about his own "a ha" moment. Check out his video here and let us know what you think in the comments section.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Hands of Time - Poem
I was recently contacted by the talented Dave Douglas for use of my image "Hands of Time" on his blog site. Dave wrote a poem recently with the same title as my artwork and asked me very nicely to use this piece in conjunction with his poetry piece. When you get a chance, head over to Dave's blog to read the poem!
RAW:DC "Stimulus" Show Promoted on Anne Marchand
The talented Anne Marchand recently let the readers of her blog know about the upcoming RAW:DC "Stimulus" Show on Thursday March 8th!

Anne Posted:
RAW: DC Presents "Stimulus" features Russ McIntosh and other artists
WHEN: Thursday, March 8, 2012 @ 8:00PMWHERE: Cafe Asia | 1720 I Street NWWashington, DC 20006 (Map)DETAILS: 21+ event. Fashionable attire. Tickets are $10 via presale. $15 at the door.
Follow the link to purchase your ticket, and make sure you select artists name on the artist drop down list.
WHAT TO EXPECT: RAW events are multi-faceted artistic showcases. Each event features a film screening, musical performance, fashion show, art gallery, performance art and a featured hairstylist and makeup artist. These artists are all local, hand-picked talent who have been chosen to feature at RAW.
RAW events feature a cash bar for cocktails while you enjoy the night. Dress code is cocktail attire.
Artists:Russ McIntosh, Pepe Piedra Inkarasta and many others!
Virtually Digital IV Opening
Lenny Campello recently posted on his blog the announcement of the opening of Virtually Digital IV at Montgomery College, of which I am one of the few artists participating along with Mr. Campello himself. And Lenny was nice enough to use my image of "contemplation" for his blog. I will also have "Unthought Known" and "Knock On The Sky" on display as well at the show.
Lenny Writes:
Virtually Digital VI is a biennial exhibition that features the fine art work of regionally, nationally and internationally known artists who incorporate some form of digital method in the creation of their art. Works in this exhibition includes drawings, paintings, photographs, prints, video and mixed media.
The organizer and curator of the Virtually Digital biennials is Professor Mike Cantwell who is the coordinator of the Computer Graphics: Art and Animation program at Montgomery College.
The exhibit will open today, March 5th and runs through April 6th. There will be an artist reception on Wednesday March 21st in the CAT (Communication Arts Technologies) Gallery at Montgomery College Rockville Campus from 6 to 8 PM. The reception is free of charge and open to the general public.
The participating artists are Professor Anne Benolken, Richard Dana, Clay Harris, David Kastner, Agniezka Ligend, Russ McIntosh, John McMahon, Professor Harry St. Ours, and I am honored to have been invited to exhibit in this show as well.
The Gallery is located in room 106 Technical Center (TC) on the Rockville campus, Montgomery College and is open Monday through Wednesday 10 AM until 6 PM, Thursdays 10 Am until 8 PM, Fridays 10 AM until 1 PM, and Saturdays by appointment.
For more information call 240-567-7535, 240-567-7520 or e-mail
See ya there!
Calling All Artists! PBR WANTS YOU!!
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer is looking for submissions from local artists for pieces inspired in some ways by PBR beer. It could be the brand, packaging, logo, lifestyle, or attitude. Entries can be entered in one of four categories: 2D, 3D Photography / Digital Media or Poetry.
Images of works submitted will be reviewed by PBR owners. View art contest rules.
All artists interested in submitting work, please email Jose for more details and a six pack of PBR.
Friday, March 2, 2012
ArtLibs - Call for entries
Call for Artists
June 18 - August 10, 2012
Arts/Harmony Hall Regional Center
10701 Livingston Road, Fort Washington, MD 20744
If you are interested in being considered for participation, please fill out the following information (or compose an email containing all the following information) and include a mid-sized jpg image illustrating the type of work you would like to submit no later than March 30 at 5pm via email to Please name your sample image with your name.
Artists selected to participate will be notified by April 16 with their “word type”. Artists are encouraged to make a new work for the show illustrating their assigned “word type” (ie noun, verb, adjective, etc). Submitted work can be no larger than 20” x 24” and no smaller than 8” x 10” (including framing). More details will be available when the notifi cations are made. Feel free to email the curator, Sherill Anne Gross at with any questions.
You can download the entry form online HERE
The Trawick Prize: Application Open
The Trawick Prize: Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards was established by Carol Trawick in 2003. Ms. Trawick has served as a community activist for more than 25 years in downtown Bethesda. She is past Chair of the Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District, past Chair of the Bethesda Urban Partnership, Inc. and Founder of The Trawick Prize. Additionally, the Jim and Carol Trawick Foundation was established in 2007 after the Trawicks sold their successful information technology company.
Catriona Fraser, award-winning photographer, curator and juror is the nonvoting Chair of the The Trawick Prize. Ms. Fraser is the owner of the Fraser Gallery.
Best in Show - $10,000
Second Place - $2,000
Third Place - $1,000
Young Artists* - $1,000
*Young Artist whose birthday is after April 6, 1982 may be awarded this prize.
The Jurors will select up to 10 finalists who will be invited to display their work in a group exhibition at Gallery B in downtown Bethesda in June 2012.
The Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District invites eligible artists to enter The Trawick Prize: Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards. Artists must be 18 years of age or older and permanent, full-time residents of Maryland, Virginia or Washington, D.C. The selected artwork will be on exhibit in September 2012 at Gallery B in downtown Bethesda, MD.
All original 2-D and 3-D fine art including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, fiber art, digital, mixed media and video will be accepted. The maximum dimensions should not exceed 96 inches in any direction. No reproductions. Artwork must have been completed within the last two years and must be available for the duration of the exhibition. Artwork does not have to be for sale at the exhibition. Selected artists must deliver and pick up artwork to and from Gallery B. All works on paper must be framed to full conservation standards.
Important Dates
Deadline for application:
April 6, 2012
Notification Mailed:
May 7, 2012
Exhibition Date:
September 2012
Online Application: Click Here!
Create a an account and user login. Upload images and pay $25 entry fee via major credit card.
Mail-in Application: Download the PDF application. Submit application, $25 entry fee, 5 slides or cd w/5 images.
Applications must be submitted by Friday, April 6, 2012 to: The Trawick Prize, c/o Bethesda A & E District, 7700 Old Georgetown Rd., Bethesda, MD 20814.
Questions? Contact Stephanie Siegel Burke at
Out of Order - Maryland Art Place CFA
MAP's annual benefit and silent auction returns!
Over 300 artists will hang their own work in a free-for-all, first-come-first-served salon style exhibition, covering the walls of our gallery space.
Come enjoy and bid on works from a wide range of Baltimore-based artists - from emerging artists and students to established professionals!
When: Friday, April 13, 2012
Installation is One Day Only! Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 7am – Midnight
Out of Order is the Maryland Art Place's Annual free-hung Benefit Exhibition, Silent Auction and Party!
This is a great opportunity for artists to (a) help a great art venue and (b) sell work and get 50% of the Samolians.
For more details, access their website: or call 410-962-8565.
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