Smithtown Township Arts Council seeks entries for Imagination exhibition at the Mills Pond House Gallery, July 2-August 5, 2011. Open to local and national artists. Featuring art that ignites our curiosity, and delights our senses encouraging us to take some time away from the world as we know it and enjoy the creative power of Imagination! Entry fee. Prospectus on the web or send SASE to: STAC Imagination, 660 Route 25A, St James NY 11780 OR 631-862-6575 OR http://www.stacarts.org/exhibits OR exhibits@stacarts.org
Exhibit Information
Deadline: May 18, 2011
Start: Jul 02, 2011
End: Aug 05, 2011
Reception: Jul 02, 2011 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Dreams, humor, fantasy, creativity are pursuits that keep the human spirit alive. Imagination makes possible our thinking about what is, what has been, and, perhaps most important, what might be. Imagination inspires us to create governments, build cities, and develop technology. It drives us to paint a pink elephant with wings or a city that rests on the clouds. When we are free to do whatever we want, we retreat to the imagination—to worlds created by others in books, movies, video games or to worlds we ourselves create. We are looking for art that ignites our curiosity, and delights our senses encouraging us to take some time away from the world as we know it and enjoy the creative power of Imagination!
Entry Deadline May 18
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